
  • December to Februry

Choose distination in Ladakh to feel the joy of gaining height.

As you all know Ladakh is the best option for practicing mountaineering. The average altitude of the land is between 10000 to 20000 fts above sea level. And the weather remain quite harsh during winter and temperature fall below minus 20 and snow fall constantly there, to get training in such condition, help mountaineer to know how to maintain oneself when one need to face challenges come during expedition of high mountains. For last few years, Spiritual Trek has started high altitude practical training and practice on high peaks of Ladakh, for those who are willing to gain the height of peaks above (8000 M). And the step has been appreciated by mountaineers from all over the world.

We organize this training for a period of three month from December to February when snow fall in bulk in the region. All our trainers are professional and experience to gain the height of peaks in the region. Provide training about all technique need to be done while mountaineering. We also arrange training course to beginner about the basic of mountaineering. During course we serve excellent food, good camping and best service.